Saturday, August 8, 2020


With the pandemic that we are into now, I am not sure whether anyone will venture inside this bat cave again. I had been there just after the NIPAH virus outbreak in Thailand in 2018. Will I venture into that place again? Never. Bats have become such lovable creatures world over :)

My wife was very livid with me when I ventured into the cave very much against her wish. She, my sister and my daughter stayed out while I went inside along with the other visitors. Looking back, it was a big risk that I had taken that time.

Cameras were not permitted inside and we never not even allowed to flash our mobile phone lights as it could disturb a huge swarm of bats hanging above us on the roof of the cave. But some of the visitors still flashed the lights and that way I got to see the huge swarm of bats above me. I don't have any photographs of these bats but those images what I saw, still flash through my mind. I felt creepy later when my wife told me that anything that dropped off the bats' bodies could land directly on the visitors below.

Please use this link to google the images taken by other visitors. Some of them have violated the rules and captured the images of bats in the dark.

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