The picture below is not our national flag. It's just my trying to work with the colours of our flag today. I did this using the Mircrosoft Paint Brush package. I tried the saffron, the white, the green and the blue colours, one by one and then thought deeply whether I had something special for any one colour, just one colour that the entire flag should have.
I strongly felt that all these colours have to be together on our flag and it shouldn't be just one colour. We should strive to keep the colours and our nation together and thus protect our nation from the evil forces emerging from within ourselves.
I think the fervour of the parade and our anthem and the national flag was intense when I was young. But as I grew old and the bizarre happenings around me eat into my partriotic faith, I found it a challenge to see the flag with the same fervour. When I was a child, I was taught the principles of our great forefathers like Gandhi. I was never taught about dealing with the forces who disturb the unity of our country. I could appreciate the colours in the flag then and about those colours being together. I was taught peace, but now as a matured adult, I see everything other than peace around me. We should teach our children to deal with these forces and not to lose faith. We should teach them to protect our country always.