Saturday, July 18, 2020


I plan to write about the dreams that I have had and able to recall, in this series. This will not be a set of continuous posts, but will be posted in between the other posts. Dreams are beautiful creations of the Creator and there is so much randomness and creativity in it.

I could see myself lying down on a bed in my room and a toddler was dancing and walking towards me. She had a little bottle of buttermilk and she gave it to me. While I was taking it from her, I saw my very beautiful schoolmate walking into the room. I felt happy looking at her. She picked up the child and sat on the couch next to my bed with the child on her lap. I assumed that she had prepared this buttermilk for me with all affection and sent it through the child. "You have some", I said and gave it to my school mate. She drank it with her lips unconsciously making contact with the bottle's mouth and then gave it back to me. I took the bottle and then got up and walked out of the room quickly in the pretense of having heard someone call at our gate. But I actually went out to pour the buttermilk outside our home without her knowledge. My fear was about a COVID-19 contamination if I had drunk it. She is a health practitioner.

When I woke up, it was a mixed feeling. I don't know how that little child and my beautiful schoolmate were related to me in the dream, but I loved the care that my schoolmate had for me. I could sense that through her actions and through her eyes. It was a pity that I could not drink what she gave me with affection as I could not trust her state of health. But I loved the dream and I lay on my bed for a while thinking about it.

Sweet things come and go quickly like dreams. They stay sweet always as there is a beginning and an end in each of them.

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