Friday, June 15, 2018


Veronika Decides to DieVeronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The initial pace of the book was pretty slow and I had a challenge to hold on and continue. But with the progress of the story and the coming in of characters Mari, Zedka and Eduard, the plot becomes very interesting. Dr. Igor is a very ambitious doctor in his bold research steps.

I remember having read in Steven Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" about the best way to set our goals is to think of what the world around in different layers of relationships i.e. family, friends, colleagues,etc would want to think of us once you leave this earth. Those are the biggest dreams that lie dormant inside us.

In this novel there is one step further that the author takes us and that is to explore the embarassing territories of our dreams which may not necessarily be what people would want to speak about you but what you would like to experience in life.

On the whole I liked the book. I have had the opportunity to observe persons with schizophrenia and those who were about to embrace death soon, from very close quarters and so I was able to understand the rhythm of Eduard and Veronika. Some of the takes of Paulo on sin in the Garden of Eden is interesting.

Definitely a book worth a read.

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